What is the crime rate like in roswell, georgia?

The crime rate in Roswell, Georgia, is lower than the national average for violent and property crimes. Violent crime in Roswell is 10.9 per 100,000 people. The Dwellics analysis team assigned a score of 7.5 to Roswell, Georgia (100 being the best score). This score helps you find the safest places to live in the United States.

In determining if Roswell, Georgia, is a safe place to live, we look at factors such as air quality, water quality, crime rates, frequency of natural disasters, rates of substance abuse, cases of cancer, and more. Go to a detailed profile, search Google, or try the advanced search Talk about Roswell, Georgia (GA) in our popular Georgia forum.

Chloe Crist
Chloe Crist

Professional coffee geek. Professional internet trailblazer. Typical social media fan. Amateur pop culture advocate. Unapologetic travel guru. Hardcore tv specialist.